Satisfaction Guarantee
You won't find a guarantee like this anywhere else
Unlike the faceless mega online retailers out there, we want you to know you are buying from real people (Scott and Jenny Daughtry). Think of us as your local mom and pop dog shop - just online :). If you are not completely satisfied with your order, we are going to make it right. We have a no-hassle return/exchange policy and we stand behind the products we sell. That's because we are very choosy about the products we carry in the first place. If it's not good enough for our dogs Parker and Brinkley, then you won't find it at The Dog Outdoors. If you have a problem with something you ordered, know that you can always contact the owner directly to make it right ( We go out of our way to make sure our customers are happy and it shows from the thousands of customer reviews over the years.Thanks for stopping by and have fun out there!

Learn about owners Scott and Jenny Daughtry Here